Hear from parishioners and staff - Why do you give to St. John's?
"St. John’s welcomed me in a little over 20 years ago. I was struggling spiritually and needed healing and direction. 'Healing, hope, and hospitality' isn’t just a catchy phrase – that really is what St. John’s is all about, and I’ve been blessed to call it my church home ever since. In my own home, bills have to be paid, floors swept, things repaired, etc. The list never seems to end; but by taking care of these responsibilities, I make my home safe and sound, and somewhere I love to be. St. John’s is my church home, and its parishioners my church family. Each member has certain talents and skills that they use to keep our church safe and sound, and somewhere lots of people love to be. I am blessed to be able to help support St. John’s in a variety of ways, including financially. I’m not as hesitant as I used to be about giving my time, talent, or treasure (even if it hurts a little), because I think I finally understand the first verse of the 23rd Psalm. The Lord is indeed my shepherd - He guided me to St. John’s, after all! As long as I trust Him and follow Him, I can rest assured that I shall not be in want."
-- Jean Makurat, Parishioner
"In February of 2021, a speaker at my local Rotary club came in talked to us about the massive shortage of diapers in our area. Who knew? I had never bought a diaper in my life. Lori and I have no children and, wow, yes, they are expensive! I started talking about this immediate need with members of St. John’s. Within a few weeks, we had a significate diaper drive with boxes and boxes of diapers lining the breezeway. In the fall of 2022, I heard of another need, a local nonprofit group serving hot meals 52 weeks a year. They were soliciting groups to assist in bringing meals to an established venue. Once again, I started talking to parishioners at St. John’s. Within a few weeks, a team assembled and committed to one hot meal per month for the last eleven months. This translated to right around 900 meals in year 2023! This year, I took my fifth trip to the Republic of Zambia to monitor a water and sanitation program installed many years ago. Since the trips consist of many school visits, the team would always bring soccer balls to the students. It has always been the members of St. John's that have bought hundreds of soccer balls for this effort. I have seen the way our church comes together as many of our own have had various setbacks whether health, economic, or losing a family member. We always rally for our own parishioners, our local community, and for causes much greater than ourselves. It is a privilege to go to St. John’s and be a part of such a group of people that care. Yes, our church has a terrific history or 170+ years, but I am equally excited about what is next for the Little Engine That Could: St. John’s Episcopal Church, Centreville VA.
-- Andrew Wade, Finance Committee
"Jesus tells us in the Book of Matthew, 'In as much as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.' St. John’s has a strong sense of outreach in our community. I have seen it and been a part of some of these programs, and I want to do more. Hopefully, we will see continued growth in doing the things Christ has taught us to do as a part of His community. This is why I support St. John’s with my annual pledge."
--Tom Jones, Vestry Member
"Why give? Because I'm a Christian. Because it's how we support the church. Because we can't keep the doors open if we don't contribute time, talent, and treasure. Because the Bible says to tithe 10 percent, which when you're retired gets a little wifty, but we do it."
--The Rev. Steve Busch, Deacon
"Mother Teresa once commented, 'There are no great deeds, only small deeds done with great love.' In my mind, this represents the sense of mission which IS St. John’s. For me, Advent is the season of anticipation and gratitude: anticipation of God’s greatest gift in the Christ, and gratitude for the Fall harvest in the promise held in seeds buried in the good earth awaiting the warmth of Spring, growing from His great gift to us. This sense of gratitude reminds me that it is important to distinguish between the gift and the giver: any gift toward the mission of St. John’s lies essentially in gratitude to the Giver who lies behind and before all of His creation, especially the great abundance we each experience in His love. This sense of gratitude is the reason for any contributions (in kind or in token) which I may be led to make in support of our church’s small deeds of great love."
--George Dewey, Parishioner
"...it would be delightful to have you here at the opening of the new church - Dr. May is to preach. I think you will like the interior of the building. Mr. Lockwood had exerted himself to the upmost in its erection and I feel & [sic] that you will also, that every effort should be made by those will be benefitted [sic] by his untiring labors to aid him by paying up their subscriptions. I believe, my dear Husband, that our crops would be more abundant & everything we undertake will succeed better by paying $50 to the Church than by the application of any amount of guano to the soil - we owe a large debt to our Maker; can we expect to prosper till it is paid? "Give unto the Lord the first fruits of all thine increase so shall they arms be filled with plenty and thy presses burst forth with new wine." Have we been sufficiently careful to perform this duty? We believe, let us hereafter endeavor more faithfully to show our faith by our works..."
--Caroline Machen to her husband, April 24, 1850